dBKSMN is Awarded LegalShield’s Large Provider Firm Quality Award for the Second Year in a Row.
At this year’s annual LegalShield Provider Attorney Awards Banquet in Oklahoma City, OK., dBKSMN was awarded the Large Firm Quality Award, which is the second highest award that LegalShield gives to its Provider Attorney Firms. This is the second year in a row that the award has been presented to dBKSMN. It is validation of the fine work that the entire Firm does when working with the members of LegalShield. Pre-Paid Legal Services of Florida, Inc. d/b/a LegalShield is the largest provider of legal expense insurance plans in the United States. Our Firm is proud to be one of two law firms in Florida to serve as a Provider Attorney Firm for LegalShield and to serve over 45,000 LegalShield clients in North and Central Florida.