DSK Law Sponsors the First Tee of Tampa Bay
DSK Law sponsored the First Tee of Tampa Bay Spring Swing event to help raise money and support for the First Tee. Associates Cameron Frye, Aaron Baroff and Christopher Hill attended the event at Top Golf with over 300 people in attendance. The First Tee program uses the game of golf to provide the youth with the chance to develop life-enhancing values like confidence, perseverance and judgement. The First Tee teaches a series of life skills (such as goal setting, how to meet new people, and staying healthy) in all of its programs. The Tampa Bay chapter was formed in 1999 and now provides more than 65,000 children each year with hands-on, interactive golf experiences along with introducing them to The First Tee’s Nine Core Values. Associate Cameron Frye (who also sits on the Advisory Board for First Tee) walked away with the award for Top Individual Score!